


Engineering Manager at European cloud provider focused on improving both choice and sustainability in the cloud computing industry.

I lead the engineering team building Scaleway’s Serverless Functions, Serverless Containers, and Serverless Jobs, plus a number of open-source tools and libraries related to serverless.

Technologies: Go, Python, Kubernetes ecosystem.

Imperial College London


PhD in distributed systems and high-performance serverless computing, in the Large Scale Data and Systems Group.

During my PhD I developed Faasm, a high-performance stateful serverless runtime built on WebAssembly.

Publications: Faasm: Lightweight isolation for efficient stateful serverless computing (ATC ‘20); Faabric: Fine-Grained Distribution of Scientific Workloads in the Cloud (under review, Arxiv).

Technologies: C++, Python, WebAssembly, OpenMP, MPI, Kubernetes, ZeroMQ.



Advisor to IoT start-up, reducing the environmental impact of the built environment.

Since its founding, I’ve helped develop the company’s system architecture, data science function, and technical hiring.

Technologies: Python, Tensorflow, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL.

Eporta (acq. by Shopify)


Co-founder of a B2B marketplace for the design industry, handling millions of dollars in orders per year.

As CTO, I built and ran the tech team, designed the product and system architecture, and hired across multiple disciplines.

Technologies: Python, Javascript, Django, PostgreSQL, Neo4j.

Aspect Capital


Quantitative developer at a systematic hedge fund.

I worked on productionising and developing trading strategies, built on simulations analysing decades of timeseries data, making decisions on trading billions of dollars under management.

Technologies: Matlab, C, SQL Server.



First developer at an agri-tech startup.

I built and productionised three mobile apps, providing offline and online mobile applications for tracking agricultural work, and encouraging sustainable farming.

Technologies: Python, Django, iOS, SQLite, Android, MongoDB.

UBS Investment Bank


Full-stack developer in the Equities Research division of a large investment bank.

I worked on a mix of large legacy Java applications, and new web-based applications, to display and analyse financial data, research publications, and CRM.

Technologies: Java, Actionscript/ Flex, Oracle, OLAP.

University College London (UCL)


Master’s degree in Financial Computing.

University of Oxford


Bachelor’s degree in physics.


Right to Work

I am a UK national living in France.